Friday, November 11, 2016

Lecture 22     
     What I learned from Lecture 22 of the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is that I am in charge of my life and have full control over it. I have an amazing knowledge about myself that nobody else has about me that includes things that are most important to me and what vision I have for the future. I am able to create things with a mental capacity which is planning and then I could do a physical creation which means making my plan into a real thing. Its no longer a matter of thinking but a matter of doing! Just like think of something you want to draw like a get paper and do a rough sketch. After you get another paper to make the outline. You darken the lines of the outline and color it in and your final result is the character you imagined which is now on paper. It's fascinating how your mind thinks of things and then you are able to have the capacity of doing it. That is also something you learn about yourself and the skills you obtained and most likely will become a habit in your life and you'll be able to make more and more because it never ends!

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