Thursday, December 15, 2016

Class Evaluation 
1. There are many things I like about this class but the one thing that I like most is when we write about the ways, the six attitudes, the habits and the keys. I was able to learn many new things because of them and improve myself as a person and I was able to obtain new skills because of these topics we were given.
2. There was only one thing I didn't like about this class which was the spin the wheel thing. I guess because I'm a very nervous person and I get really shy presenting or talking in front of a lot of people. Other than that there was nothing else I didn't like about the class. :)
3. I don't think I have any recommendations for improving this class since it's already amazing as it is but maybe keep continuing the assignments on schoology. I think that really helps and it's something nice to do once in a while and we learn from it's like a win-win.
4. My highlight in this class was when I was able to learn a lot about myself and how I'm able to manage time and my personal stuff which also included me taking some time to learn and improve with the topics we were given. 
5. I think I did good but not my best because I feel like I could have added stronger reflections to my posts but I think I did good but next semester I will do my best...that is one of my goals I have written in my life planning journal.
6. Yes I am reading and writing in my Life Planning Goals Journal everyday for at least 5 minutes and that includes both front and back. I'm able to add more than 10 goals each day and marking victory in the left side which I think is a great accomplishment since freshman year.
7. Yes, I am committed to being a CTR person because many wonderful things come from it and it makes you work hard, work smart, and work together which I think these are very important in life. So I'll be Choosing the Right 24/7 

Friday, December 9, 2016

UC Davis School of Medicine
1. UC Davis School of Medicine 
Location: 4610 X St, Sacramento, CA 95817
2. Admissions Requirements
Physicians should have a college level education in the natural, social, and behavioral sciences and the humanities. They require the MCAT and three years in an accredited college or university that include the specific requirements:
  • Biological Sciences: 1 year
  • Chemistry, general and organic sequence: 2 years
  • Physics: 1 year
Technical, Non-Academic Standards are also required.
Approximately $37,528 for in-state tuition.
In-state fees are $2,652. 

Out-of-state tuition is $49,773
Out-of-state fees are $2,652.
4. Degrees Offered
Dual-degree programs


7. Reflection: Would you like to attend here? Why? Why not?

Monday, December 5, 2016

The 10 Keys to Personal Power

Brian Tracy

Key 1: Clarity

"Have vision. Determine what you want to be, do or have in life. Have a sense of direction and know where you're going. If you do not have clear specific goals in life, you are doomed forever to work for others who do." 

    Things in life that you focus on is clarity, whether you're focusing on a goal in life or if your focusing on something while everything around you is not within that aspect then that is clarity. Your mind and focus is on your target/ path way which will lead you to where ever you want to go. If you loose track of that focus its fine because little by little you'll get back in track because you will be determined to achieve what was first in mind.

“When life gets blurry...adjust your focus, clarity.”  - Anonymous

Key 2: Competence

"If you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get. " 


    Competence is the key to practice makes perfect, little by little, a step away from the finish line. We all do this even when we don't realize it for example picking up our grades. If you worker harder you're going to see your grades raising up but if you don't really care about your grades then they'll stay the same or they'll drop more than where you were at. It might be hard to work harder to do better but it's worth it even if it takes time. It's better than not doing anything at all that will be easier to put you down in a blink of an eye. It's how the world works just like no pain no gain in any type of form.    

“When your confidence goes up, your competence goes up the same time.”  - Anonymous 

Key 3: Concentration

"Make the best use of your time. Ask yourself "Is this the best use of my time?" before you start anything." 


    Concentration is a major key to everything and we do it every day even if its difficult at first but we slowly get use to it. We concentrate on everything whether its reading, watching a movie, or even making something, all use concentration. But when is concentration important? Well that's up to you to decide. Whether if it's important to you or not would you use concentration? I know I would if its something important to me such as a class project or studying, that is something I concentrate the most on. It's also very important where you are at because if there is disturbance around you then how are you able to concentrate? It's going to be very hard so try to find a place where your able to concentrate most like a library and if public places dont work out for you maybe find a quite place where you live, that helps. You can even use concentration for fun things such as playing a'll be concentrating on winning and how your going to win. And if your like me, for fun I concentrate on the subtitles on the animes that i watch to understand what they say and learn some sayings and thats due to concentrating.

“Its all about concentration and repetition. That's all it is.”  - Chris Bosh  

Key 4: Common Sense

Train your mind

Think things through

Listen to your intuition

Learn from setbacks


    Key number 4 is the key to common sense. Training your mind is one of the tasks as well as that applying to thinking things through which takes a lot of your time and focus...concentrating like key number 3. 

“My success was not based so much on any great intelligence but on great common sense  .”  - Helen Gurley Brown 

Key 5: Creativity

"Expect the fact that every human being is a genius. The hallmark of creativity is asking questions. The people who are most creative ask the most questions." 


      Creativity, something that everyone has in their own and unique way. It comes in many forms but the best form is the one that comes to life. You can get as creative as you want because there is no limit to it. You plan out what your going to do, put it on paper, and let the magic begin. Once your in the process you decide whats best and ask many questions like does this look better or the other or should I make it out of this or that? It just doesn't stop until your finally done with the one creative thing you made. But creativity doesn't stop there, it keeps going and going, it has a never ending. The more you let out your creativeness, the more and more it will flow out and more ideas will develop just like painter. The best part is that you can use anything and everything because that's what's creative about it. Its overpowering and amazing how it starts from a little thinking to the very front of your eyes.

“See what others dont see.Then show it to them. That is creativity.”  - Brian Vaszily 

Key 6: Consideration

"The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life."
"Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator.Take courses in listening,speaking,etc."
"If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5 years,you'll be the best educated person in history." 


    Consideration, a careful thought we should all have. Its just like respecting the needs and feelings of others as well as making their needs or feelings important to you as they are to them.You also have to stop and think how your actions will affect others. You can empathize with other's, put your self in their shoes. This reminds me a lot about Habit #5 which is seek first to understand, then to be understood. You pay attention to the other person, wait for your turn then you can have a go at it. You can also think of little things to bring others happiness

“A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference.”  - Eeyore

Key 7: Consistency

"Dependable,steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work."
"Be consistent in your relationships, your family,friends, your boss,your work. Be the person that people can depend upon. That if you say you'll do something you do it."


    Consistency is have to

“Consistency is better than rare moments of greatness. - Anonymous 

Key 8: Commitment

"No success is possible without commitment. The ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success." 

"Become totally absorbed in your work. Be totally committed."


    Commitment is something we all have to do...whether it's something small or big we have to commit to it. It might be challenging at first or maybe be easy but you have to commit yourself to it because thats what really counts over all. 

“Commitment to your dreams is an act of self-love”  - Anonymous

Key 9: Courage

"The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life." 


      Courage is something we have but it is hard to let out. Its like when you're scared, you have to have courage to fight it back but its hard for you to let it out and do. It takes time and practice and of course something that is the reason why you have to be courageous. Courage can be found anywhere and in anyone like when firefighters coming to the rescue in a burning house that is about to collapse, they have to have courage to lead them the way. There's also babies when they take their first steps, they need courage and a little bit of help to get them walking. You can say courage is a testing point where you have to do and do over again until you hit a home run. Even though it might not be easy, in the end courage wins over just have to believe. Nothing is impossible, you just need a little boost and that boost is courage. 

“Find the courage to let go of what you can't change.”  - Anonymous

Key 10: Confidence

"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again." 


      Confidence is a very strong word that we all should have but is difficult to obtain. Confidence is like determination but it comes in many forms and can be easy or can take time like self-confidence. Something I think we all have troubles with including myself. There are many ways to gain self-confidence or even just confidence but its very easy to loose no matter what type it is. In all honesty I think thats how it's suppose to work, we loose it and gain it but then sometimes we can keep it.

"If you fight hard, know who you are, and are proud of who you are, you've got a good chance of winning.”  - W. Lincoln Hawkins 

Final Reflection:        
Write a final all-encompassing reflection about the 10 Keys to Personal Power.
1.) How can they benefit you?
These keys can benefit me in many ways especially any time whether its concentrating on something like studying or being creative on a big project like IDP's or  even consistently doing something to make my skills better and improve on them. It benefits everyone in many ways and in different ways but all does good and makes you feel good. 
2.) Which keys are you applying now, and what difference are they making in your life?
The keys I'm applying to right now is confidence and courage since I lack in those keys. Little by little I practice with what i need help with which gives me confidence and to show it to someone would mean courage to me. Like when i saw a difference in my presentation the other day, I was able to present with not so many errors from when I first started and there my friends is when I realize i was able to built confidence with practice and courage to present in front of the class. 
3.) How will you incorporate the other keys into your Life Planning plans?
In all honesty, I believe that I'm already incorporating these keys into my life planning just that I really need to work on confidence and courage more because those are my weakness but sooner or later, the more i work on them, the more likely is that Ill achieve them. Whether it takes me time or not, I know Ill be able to do it.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Video Reflection:
         Stephen Covey explained to us about character ethic which is about our character. It involves integrity, courage, compassion, responsibility, and many other terms. Character ethic is different from personality ethic especially because it involves more work towards one's self. Personality ethic focuses on our attitudes and behavior while character ethic is having to change yourself to make change for something else.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Lecture 22     
     What I learned from Lecture 22 of the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is that I am in charge of my life and have full control over it. I have an amazing knowledge about myself that nobody else has about me that includes things that are most important to me and what vision I have for the future. I am able to create things with a mental capacity which is planning and then I could do a physical creation which means making my plan into a real thing. Its no longer a matter of thinking but a matter of doing! Just like think of something you want to draw like a get paper and do a rough sketch. After you get another paper to make the outline. You darken the lines of the outline and color it in and your final result is the character you imagined which is now on paper. It's fascinating how your mind thinks of things and then you are able to have the capacity of doing it. That is also something you learn about yourself and the skills you obtained and most likely will become a habit in your life and you'll be able to make more and more because it never ends!

Monday, November 7, 2016

     Here I am again...posting to you viewers out there...I think I have some things to talk about today that might be today in anime club we decided to have a gram sale in honor of Pocky day! (November 11) Which I think in my opinion is going to be fun and its pocky...who doesn't love pocky?!!! I came up with the idea but its great to have other help and pitch in to make it happen...well I think thats all the interesting stuff that I did today and then the some what less interesting is that I have a mock interview in school and I'm not prepared...I'm not nervous or anything like that...I'm just not ready...I don't make it a big deal but I thank the people that are willing to prepare me for the real world! Oh...we also voted in school...a fake vote and well who I voted for will be kept in secret and it's up to you to find out anime update I have...non...haven't been able to watch anime due to being busy but I will catch up sooner or later and hope to tell you guys about that...well thats all I have to say today 

Thursday, November 3, 2016

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Stephen R. Covey

Habit 1: Be Proactive

"Habit 1 is the key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it comes first. It says,"I am the captain of my life. I choose my attitude. I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the driver's seat of my destiny, not just a passenger." 

    Being proactive is something we all should do especially when we are the ones incharge of being proactive. It's all about us and the ways we want thing to go...our own control. You make yourself and be who you want to be. You choose your way in life and you make it your life. Your the one in charge and if there's any problems then you, yourself know how to solve it. Its like an cry but you yourself know how to stop. This is a habit we learn  and according to Stephen we are the driver not the passenger. Pretty much being proactive is getting to know who you are...getting to know yourself and theirs also planning and other stuff included.

“I do what makes me happy, I do what makes me mad, I do things my way because in the end I'm the one in charge of me!”  - Anonymous

Habit 2. Begin with the End in Mind

"Control your own destiny or someone else will." (Jack Welch) "When you know where you intend to end up, you know where you are now." (Covery)

I'm in charge, you're in charge, they are in charge of their own destiny. You are the one that creates your path and where you end up is up to you. It's steps in life where your ready to're ready to grow up and find the things you really want to do. Its like how we started as kids till now but we have to make an effort to it. Whether we make a mistake or not it will change your path but it's ok because that's how life is. Your goal is to achieve your final goal like mine is becoming a great pediatrician and to achieve it is by am i going to get there? Its not going to be simple but what matters is how I'll get there. No one is going to tell me how because this is my way to get there.

“You're the one who writes your own're the one taking yourself're in control of your own destiny!”  - Anonymous

Habit 3: Put First Things First

"Organize and execute around priorities." 


    Organizing is very involves everything...and lets you put things first and your way. It helps you control many things and it helps you save time and get around. You'll be able to do things quick like working...if your organized you'll be able to turn in the assignment with no stuggle at all because you won't be looking for the things you need since you have them all infront of you and you'll be able to do it faster. You put your organization first and you were able to turn in your assignment next and then a grade was given and then a feeling of awesomeness because you did an amazing job thanks to being made organizing come first and were able to do the rest with no stress.

"First organize the inner, then organize the outer...first organize the great,then organize the small. First organize yourself, and the organize all!" - Anonymous  

Habit 4: Think Win-Win

"Think win-win or no deal."


    Winning and losing are two different things but in mind you always have to think we have to win! Even if you end up losing...your mind was filled with winning. It's like in a feel motivated and positive that you will win when you start

“If you think you can win, you can's is neither your way or my way but better way.”  - Anonymous

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood

"Diagnose before you prescribe."


    Seek first to understand is like listening...just listen to what's around you, hear what's happening. Then to be understood is to talk...say what you have to say about what you say what's in your mind. Its like listen to someone's point of view then say your point of view just like in a discussion. You can also provide feed back to the person who spoke because you were paying attention to what they had to were focused on them rather than speaking over them. Its like waiting in like...if your patient you'll get to the front of the line but if your not and cut'll most like will get caught and be sent in back of the line which made a farther distance than where you started at. When your listening to someone...look at their body language, use your eyes, look at their facial expression. Then you''l notice that others do the same when you are the one speaking. This will also help you gain feed back to help the person that was speaking or you can gain feedback. This way is a very useful way and a skill that will be used for your entire life.

“Listen first, then speak.”  - Anonymous 

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

The Four Dimensions of Self-Renewal: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/Emotional


    Self-renewal is very difficult to do because its build up of your physical, mental, spiritual, and social/emotional self. It takes time and alot of effort to do so but once your there youll realise it and things will be easy from that point on just like a paradise. These four dimensions depend on themselves and if one falls then everything else does as well so you have to make sure you balance them all well but you have to balance them out wisely. We also have to make time to sharpen the saw which is the four dimensions because its an investment about ourselves. Its just like a cycle in our lives.

“As part of our renewal - we need to fight problems, not just wait for them to take place.”  - Nong Duc Manh 

Final Reflection:
 (deleted by accident)        
Write an overall final reflection in this post regarding "The 7 habits of hil
