Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Your own Top 10 Rules for Success
1. Do the things you love and make you happy
2. Be with people who bring color into your life
3. Always think that things will be okay even if they aren't at the moment
4. Always smile and be positive
5. Be open and express yourself
6. Have a sense of humor
7. Dont take time for granted
8. Do things now before you have regret later
9. Make the first move,dont wait
10. Don't let people get to you


    These rules can apply to anyone and everyone. 
Class Evaluation
What are things you liked about the class?
  1. Some things I liked about this class were doing things with technology especially with the internet and Microsoft office. I liked that we were able to create our own blogs and with that we learned how to make one and how to maintain it which was really fun because we got to share our opinion to a lot of people and getting to learn something new and experiencing something new as well.   
  2. What are things you did not like about this class?
    Thing that I did not like about this class was time because it seem very slow but even though it was slow I got more time to do things that I haven’t had the chance to do like finishing homework or updating my blog
  3. Recommendations for improving the class                          Some recommendations i have for improving in this class is maybe have more interaction in this class because i think that is what was missing since when we actually did do intactt was really fun and nice so that would be something to improve on.
  4. What was a highlight for you in this class?                                  A highlight for me in this class was when we did the scratch project, i was able to learn alot as well as make a code and my own game which in my opinion turned out very nicely but i do say that it needs some improvement but overall i did a pretty good job if i do say so myself
  5. Explain: Did you really do your best in this class?                 Overall, i think i did do my very best in this class, it was not easy at times but i managed somehow and kept moving foward especially when i was being challenged with code acadamy and java script.
  6. Answer: Are you reading your Life Planning Goals Journal for at least five minutes daily? Explain.                                     Yes, I am reading my Life Planning Goals Journal each and every day atleast for five minutes daily. I always start from front to back, reviewing my goals/victories and then making/writing new goals and victories.
  7. Answer: Are you committed to being a CTR person? Why or why not?                                                                                             Yes, always and forever am committed to being a CTR person because its the right way of life as well as good things come when you are committed to being one!

Monday, June 5, 2017

Stephen Curry's 10 Rules For Success
1. Visualize Your Goals
2. Be The Hardest Working Person
3. Stay Confident
4. Do It Your Way
5. Be Creative
6. Stay In The Moment
7. Better Yourself Everyday
8. Have An Upbeat Personality 
9.Be The Best Version Of Yourself
10.Actions Speak Louder Than Words

    Stephen Curry's 10 Rules For Success...

Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Top 10 Rules for Success by Cristiano Ronaldo.
1. Just Play!
2. Be Competitive
3. Always Take on New Challenges
4. Know Your Priorities
5. People Will Judge You
6. Work Hard
7. Believe You Are The Best
8. Play For The Team
9. Enjoy The Moments
10. Have a Sense of Humor

    These 10 rules come from Cristiano Ronaldo who is a famous soccer player from Portugal. In even rule there was a interview included of him talking about these rules and how they applied to him. Then a video was shown of him of his skills. 

Monday, May 1, 2017

Ten Seeds of Greatness

Denis Waitley

1. The Seed of Self-Esteem (Appreciate the value of yourself)
"From self-love to self-worth"
    Many of us, including myself have little to no self-esteem but then there are others with an amazing amount of self-esteem.

“Remind yourself that it's okay not to be PERFECT!" 
- Anonymous 

2. The Seed of Creativity
"Releasing your creative energy"

    We all have our special type of way to be creative and this is shown in different forms/ways like visual,spiritual, physical, etc. Not everyone is perfect in being creative because its your way of expressing yourself in your own way with no one to judge you or tell you it is wrong. At times it can be hard to be creative but once you find your main detail, you'll be unstoppable. 

“Creativity is a drug I cannot live without." - Cecil B. Demille 

3. The Seed of Responsibility
"Whatever we sow, we reap."

    Responsibility, a word that is very powerful as well as used each and ever day. There are times where responsibility is your number one priority with other important keys like being respectful. Everyone has to take responsibility from the tinniest ant to the biggest elephant. Even the smallest kids have the most responsible things to do.

“Your attention please: No one is coming to save you. This life is 100% your responsibility." - Anonymous 

4. The Seed of Wisdom
"A large vocabulary--which implies broad, general knowledge--characterizes the more successful persons, regardless of their occupation."

    A wise word of life, wisdom. It involves a lot of knowledge and teachings as well as right judgement of things. Everyone has some type of wisdom or at least reason wisdom. The saying goes that the elderly are the most wisest but yes, it can be true but then again there are young people and adults, even children with the knowledge of a wise person.Being wise involves you being positive about anything as well as having kindness and respect. Your also involved with a lot of experience because that lets you make good decisions and choice with the right judgement. 

“Our days are happier when we give people a bit of our heart rather than a piece of our mind" - Anonymous 

5. The Seed of Purpose
"The gold mine in your goals."
    Purpose, a very important word where something is done or created or for which exists like all of us here on planet earth or just anything in this entire universe. 

"Always remember to fall asleep with a dream in mind and awake with a purpose." - Anonymous 

6. The Seed of Communication
"Reach out and touch someone"

    Communication is a very important skill that we all should have especially since we use it on a daily basis and of course comes in handy.

"Dont underestimate me. I know more than i say, think more than I speak, & notice more than you realize." - Anonymous 

7. Faith
"The power of positive believing"

    Faith is a very important seed which should be in every one of us. Faith is a very strong word and when put into action it can have the most biggest impact ever with nothing to stop its way. Faith is demonstrated in many ways and one way that Im sure most of us have seen are in movies but have you ever had faith in someone or in yourself? Faith always comes in the right time so all you have to do is believe in it as well as know that it is there even things are difficult. You always have to stay positive and have a clear mind when you want faith to appear because it is going to help you a lot! 

Let you faith be bigger than your fear!" - Anonymous 

8. Adaptability
"Turning Problems into Opportunities"

    Adaptability consists of the word adapt which in my words mean adjusting to. When you apply adapt its turns to adaptability which mean your adapting to what ever your doing. Like take a situation for example, you use adaptability to get use to your surrounding and if you have a problem, you find a way to fix it. Sometimes it takes time to adapt and have that adaptability but little by little as you use it your slowing getting the hang of things and before you know it your pro at it like everything else that you had to get use to doing. 

"To find out what one is fitted to do, and to secure an opportunity to do it, is the key to happiness."- John Dewey 

9. Perseverance
"The will to win is everything."

    Perseverance is what keeps us going each and everyday especially when things get rough. We all need it at some point and at points, it can be hard to find but thats when you really find perseverance. To have perseverance you have to go through difficult tasks as well as know what your going up again its kind of like...having a fear of something. Of course at first you cant do anything because fear is consuming you but slowly youll want to get rid of that fear so who come in to help? You do of course but right by your side is perseverance facing that fear right in front of you. It will be difficult and while consume alot of your time but before you know it, you and perseverance will be kicking that fear away and over come it! 

"I am a slow walker but I never go back as well so it does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop."- Anonymous 

10. Perspective
"Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love,grace, and gratitude."


The 10 Seeds of Greatness Reflection:

The 10 seeds of greatness showed us many things as well as helped us learn and obtain them. We started off by planting these seeds with in us and then nourishing them as we go.